AYSO PLAY! Program of the month: Nobel Prentis Elementary School

AYSO PLAY! Program of the month: Nobel Prentis Elementary School


Jennifer Ruiz, AYSO PLAY! Youth Soccer Coordinator
Nicole Rosacker – Nobel Prentis Elementary School teacher.

AYSO PLAY! was welcomed through the doors of Kansas City Unified School District 500  earlier this year, to support physical education classes with Nobel Prentis Elementary (NPE). A diverse neighborhood school situated in the southeast section of Kansas City, NPE supports 180+ students with equitable, standards-based education.

“The American Youth Soccer Organization began a soccer program at Noble Prentis, which was such exciting news for our students. We are a school full of students who love soccer”, NPE teacher, Nicole Rosacker explains. “They play all the time, whether it’s at recess or in leagues outside of school. This program provides soccer skills and addresses barriers our students have with accessing quality sports programs. Providing lessons during the school day means parents and families don’t need to worry about transportation or taking off additional time from work”. 

Each Monday and Wednesday, AYSO PLAY! Youth Soccer Coordinator, Jennifer Ruiz, leads in-school lessons, taught through an age-appropriate, outcome based-learning curriculum that focuses on soccer skills and social and emotional learning (SEL). Lessons progress week-week challenging students to be critical thinkers through child-centered activities.

“Many of our students have been able to challenge themselves and build confidence in trying something new. We have a shy quiet kindergarten student who has started building confidence and tries soccer skills on his own. One of our 4th grade students speaks Spanish and he lit up when Coach Jenny gave him instructions in Spanish. Students come to school and ask me every day if it’s soccer day. They look forward to it and are excited to try new skills. We are so thankful for this opportunity and look forward to continuing this program for many years to come!”

“It is important that students are empowered to explore their own abilities and interests through sports like soccer”, says Jennifer. “It has been wonderful to support Nobel Prentes students with their physical education and to see their individual growth through the experience”. AYSO PLAY! will continue its relationship with NPE into the Spring and Summer, hosting future AYSO PLAY+ after school enrichment programs and AYSO PLAY! Summer Camps.